What is The Difference Between a Fisherman and an Angler?

Last Updated on September 18, 2023

I’m sure you like fishing, but are you aware there’s a distinction between a fisherman and an angler?

Even though the words are often used interchangeably, they mean two different ways to fish.

In this post, I will discuss the differences and similarities between a fisherman and an angler and why it matters.

So back to the main question…

What is The Difference Between a Fisherman and an Angler?

A fisherman typically uses any available gear to catch fish, while an angler focuses specifically on using a rod, reel and hook to catch fish.

What do Fisherman and an Angler have in common

A Fisherman’s and an Angler’s Similarities & Distinctions

What do Fisherman and an Angler have in common? To begin, consider the parallels between a fisherman and an angler.

Both share a love for fishing, a need for gear, and the patience needed to wait for a bite.

Fishing is a leisure activity that necessitates a lot of planning and waiting, which is why both groups engage in high-quality equipment to make the experience more enjoyable.

What set them apart?

The main distinction between a fisherman and an angler is how they approach fishing.

A fisherman is someone who loves fishing as a recreational activity. They may use various methods to capture fish, such as baiting a hook and waiting for a bite, casting a lure, or trolling.

While they may enjoy catching a large fish, there have other priorities.

An angler, on the other hand, is someone who views fishing as a sport. Their attention is drawn to the challenge of catching a specific variety of fish rather than the act of fishing itself.

They often have a particular target species in mind (ex: bass fishing) and use specialized techniques to catch them. Anglers, for example, may use fly fishing or baitcasting to target particular types of fish.

bass fishing hangler

Why Does It Matter?

Understanding the difference between a fisherman and an angler can assist you in selecting the best hobby for you.

If you enjoy being out on the water and the thrill of catching any fish, fishing could be the ideal pastime for you.

If you appreciate the challenge of catching a particular species of fish and perfecting your technique, angling may be the path you want to follow.

Both methods of fishing have advantages.

Fishing is a meditative and relaxing activity that can be enjoyed with friends and family, and angling provides a sense of achievement and a deeper understanding of fish behavior.

Understanding the distinction allows you to select the approach that best suits your interests and personality.


In summary, while the terms fisherman and angler are frequently used synonymously, they pertain to two distinct fishing techniques.

Like I said above, both share the same passion for the sport, a desire for equipment, and the patience needed to wait for a bite.

The distinction is in their approaches to fishing, with anglers wanting the challenge of catching a particular type of fish and fishermen enjoying the act of fishing itself.

Understanding the distinction allows you to select the strategy that best suits your interests and personality.

Have fun fishing!

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