Why Does My Fishing Line Get Curly?

Last Updated on October 6, 2023

Curly fishing lines are a common occurrence, and they can turn a promising day of fishing into a tangled mess. The curling not only disrupts the precision of our casts but also reduces our casting distance, making it difficult to reach those elusive fish. It’s like trying to dance with two left feet—it just doesn’t flow as smoothly as we’d like.

But fear not, my fellow anglers, for in this blog post, we’ll unravel the mystery of curly fishing lines. We’ll uncover the reasons behind this vexing issue and explore ways to tackle it head-on. From understanding the causes to preventing and managing the curls, we’ll equip you with the knowledge and techniques to untangle the frustration and make your fishing trips a breeze.

So, fasten your fishing hats and get ready to master the art of managing curly fishing lines. Tight lines and untangled casts await you!

Causes of Curly Fishing Lines

Let’s dive in and shed some light on the mysteries that make our lines curl.

The Impact of Memory on Fishing Lines

Imagine your fishing line as having a memory of its own—something that causes it to remember its previous coiled state. This phenomenon is known as “memory” in fishing lines. Memory is most commonly found in monofilament lines, but it can also affect fluorocarbon and braided lines to some extent.

Over time, when fishing lines are wound around a spool or exposed to certain conditions, they develop a tendency to retain that coiled shape. When you unspool your line for a cast, it may still carry the memory of being wound up, resulting in unwanted curls and loops as it leaves the reel.

The Role of Spooling Techniques and Line Twist

The Role of Spooling Techniques and Line Twist

Ah, the subtle art of spooling—something that can make all the difference between smooth sailing and a tangled mess. Proper spooling techniques are crucial to minimize line twists, a major culprit in causing curly fishing lines.

Improper spooling, such as loading the line too tightly or with twists and kinks, can lead to line twists during casting and retrieving. Line twist causes the line to spin, creating coils and knots that result in those maddening curls. Using incompatible line types on your reel can exacerbate this issue.

The Role of Fishing Line Material

Just like different baits entice different fish, the type of fishing line we use can play a significant role in whether our lines stay straight or curl up like mischievous waves.

Why is my braid line twisting?

It’s actually fairly straightforward. Line twist will make its way up the line if the end of the line – the bait, lure, or fly end – can rotate around its own axis. The twist will move up the line when an additional line is released from the reel. A good way to produce line twists is to use swivels that do not swivel.

The Curling Behaviors of Monofilament, Fluorocarbon, and Braided Lines

Monofilament lines — the classic choice for many anglers. Monofilament lines are known for their flexibility and ease of use. However, they are more susceptible to memory and curling compared to other line materials. Due to their softer composition, monofilament lines can retain coiling from being wound on the reel, leading to frustrating curls during casting.

Fluorocarbon lines — a popular choice for their low visibility underwater. Fluorocarbon lines have less memory than monofilament, which means they are less prone to curling. However, they can still develop some coils over time, especially if not spooled and maintained correctly.

Braided lines — revered for their strength and sensitivity. Braided lines are less likely to retain memory, making them the least prone to curling among the three types. Due to their tight, woven construction, braided lines deliver smoother casts with fewer curls and twists.

Techniques for Fixing Curly Fishing Lines on the Water

We may encounter those maddening curly fishing lines while out on the water; fear not, for I bring you a treasure trove of quick fixes to untangle those knots and get back to smooth sailing on your fishing trip.

Step-by-Step Methods to Remove Line Curls on the Spot: When faced with tangled and curly fishing lines during your fishing expedition, follow these step-by-step techniques to swiftly tackle the issue:

  • Stop Reeling: If you notice line curls while reeling in, stop immediately to prevent further tangling and potential line breakage.
  • Lay Line Straight: Gently lay the fishing line straight on the water’s surface. Allow the line to drift behind the boat or float freely in the water.
  • Apply Light Tension: With a light tension on the line, use your fingers to straighten the curly sections gently. Carefully run your fingers along the line to smooth out the coils.
  • Slowly Reel In: Once you’ve straightened the line, begin reeling in at a steady pace. Avoid fast and forceful reeling, as it can introduce more twists and knots.

Preventing Further Curling While Fishing: To prevent those pesky curls from making an encore appearance during your fishing trip, consider these preventive measures:

  • Regularly Check Line: Periodically inspect your fishing line for signs of coiling or memory. If you notice any curls forming, address them promptly using the on-the-water techniques mentioned above.
  • Adjust Casting Technique: Pay attention to your casting technique. Avoid excessive force and abrupt stops, as they can introduce line twists. Opt for smooth and controlled casting motions to reduce the risk of line curling.
  • Minimize Backlashes: In baitcasting reels, minimize backlashes by adjusting the reel’s brake system and casting control settings. Backlashes can lead to tangled loops and curls.
Preventing and Managing Curly Fishing Lines

Preventing and Managing Curly Fishing Lines

With these tried-and-true techniques, you’ll be well-prepared to steer clear of those frustrating curls and knots.

  1. Techniques for Proper Line Spooling and Avoiding Line Twist: A smooth and twist-free line spooling process is the key to setting sail on a successful fishing trip. Follow these steps to ensure your line is ready for smooth casting:
  • Spooling Tension: Maintain proper spooling tension while loading the line onto your reel. This ensures the line lays evenly and reduces the risk of line twists.
  • Spooling Direction: Pay attention to the recommended spooling direction on the fishing line packaging. Spooling in the opposite direction can introduce twists and kinks.

2. Tips for Maintaining and Storing Fishing Lines: Properly maintaining and storing your fishing lines can help extend their life and reduce curling:

  • Replace Old Lines: Regularly replace old or worn-out fishing lines, as they are more prone to memory and curling issues.
  • Clean Lines After Use: Rinse your fishing lines with fresh water after each use to remove dirt, salt, and debris that can contribute to line damage and curling.
  • Store in a Cool, Dry Place: Store your fishing lines in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Avoid leaving them in the sun for extended periods, as UV exposure can weaken the lines and cause coiling.

Are some fishing lines less prone to curling than others?

Braided lines tend to have less line memory compared to monofilament and fluorocarbon lines. However, all lines can develop curling if not stored correctly.

Can fishing line curls affect casting distance and accuracy?

Yes, curly fishing line can reduce casting distance, accuracy, and overall performance, as it can create resistance when passing through rod guides.


Remember, each cast is a new opportunity to test your newfound techniques and strategies. Let curiosity be your guide, and let your passion for fishing guide your way. With each trip, you’ll gain confidence in managing your fishing lines and untangling those curls like a seasoned sailor.

Tight lines and smooth sailing await you, my fellow anglers. Until we meet again on our next fishing quest—happy fishing!

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