Explore the vast and varied world of fishing methods. From freshwater to saltwater, fly fishing to bait casting, in-depth knowledge of all fishing techniques.

Is Freshwater Fishing Easier Than Saltwater?

Is Freshwater Fishing Easier Than Saltwater

Hey there, fellow anglers! Have you been debating whether or not you should initiate a friend or family member into the beautiful world of fishing? They will have to choose between fishing in saltwater or freshwater as one of their…

Isn’t Fishing Just Sitting Down?

Isn't Fishing Just Sitting Down

A common misconception about fishing is that it is just sitting down and waiting for a bite. While it’s true that fishing involves some patience, it is so much more than just sitting and waiting. In fact, fishing is a…

Why do People Like Bass Fishing so Much?

Why do People Like Bass Fishing so Much

Bass fishing has a storied past that stretches back centuries. It all started in the early 19th century in the United States, driven largely by the need for a food source. Eventually, it evolved into a sport, capturing the hearts…